Ethical Issues In Health Care Essay

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Case One
The case presented depicts one that may have serious ethical issues. The decision to be made regarding the woman’s health is a challenging one considering the consequences in each of the cases. The woman has an obligation to her family when it comes to being treated. Clearly, funds are not a big issue in the first instance especially in the event that the surgery goes on well. Her worry is that she would subject her family to further problems in the case that the operation does not go through well. However, in answering her question, it is important to note that a woman of her stature has the right to refuse treatment because she has the right to choose what happens to her life. She can decide whether to go on with the treatment or …show more content…

Before the doctors go ahead to perform an operation, it is important that the concurrence of the patient be considered. The case presented in the scenario is about a woman who is denying the state of her medical condition. She has not made a formal consent that would allow the operation to be conducted. According to her, she assumes that she is in good health and does not appear to be worried about the condition. Her denial of the medical condition makes it impossible to obtain informed consent. She is fully aware of her medical condition. However, she has decided to go about her day to day activities oblivious of the health condition she was going through. The fact that she has failed to take a stance on whether to go on with the operation makes it clear that having informed consent is impossible. Informed consent happens where a person is fully aware of the condition and is expected to make the decision on whether the operation can be carried out or not (Lord, Naqvi, Babu & Sainsbury, 2012). In the event that a particular patient is unable to make the decision based on grounds of incapacity, such as severe mental health, then the family members have the right to make the decision on behalf of the patient. However, in the case presented Mrs. S appears to be fully aware of her condition. However, she decides to defer and make the decision at a later date. It is clear that she has refused to make a decision regarding her cardiac condition. Her denial of the condition makes the art of making informed consent

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