Ethical Issues In Foster Care

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I have been seeing my 15-year-old client, Alicia, for some time now. She reports that she was a foster child after both of her parents were incarcerated for drug and child abuse. She is currently living with her maternal grandparents but has disclosed that when she was in the foster system she was sexually molested. Alicia has been slow-to-warm but it appears that we are establishing rapport as she is beginning to show more positive affect. Nevertheless, in our most recent session, Alicia appeared to be “high” and disclosed that her uncle has returned from war and is staying with her and her grandparent. Alicia reported that he has been molesting her and that despite this she has does not want to go back into the foster system but only told be to tell someone safe. In this case, my immediate reaction is that legally, this is abuse and my duty is to report. This is not only an old case of abuse, from the foster care, that I am unsure if the it has been reported but also the new case of abuse from her uncle. Ethically, however, the potential issues I face is my …show more content…

I would be concerned about her safety and the possibilities of this happening again. Although I would also make a report on the previous foster care agency she was in, just knowing that the system and other placements they are sent to sometimes fail to protect the children from sexual predators and kinds of abuse is concerning. Additionally, unfortunately, it is the case that those who have been abused have a higher likelihood to be abused again. Therefore, it would be in Alicia’s best interest and my ethical responsibility to advocate for my client if she must go back into the system that she is set up in a safe environment until other arrangements could be made (if she was ever able to return to her grandparents’ house again once her uncle was

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