Ethical Issues In An SJSU Librarian Case Study

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We, as humans, experience a diaspora of ethical issues in our day to day lives. But, what are ethical issues? An ethical issue is a problem that requires a user, us in this case, to evaluate possible solutions and choose between the ethical (correct) and unethical (incorrect) solutions. An SJSU Librarian, whose name shall be kept confidential, experienced such an ethical dilemma recently and had to decide which course of action would be the most ethical. In the interview, I conducted, the librarian experienced an issue where she had to decide which course of action would be the most ethical. To begin with, she teaches an online course for the San José State Library about Library Sciences. During her course, she had a student who did not respond …show more content…

She had to decide how to handle the situation while also being ethically correct. Thus, she decided not to reveal the truth to the parents as she legally is not obligated too. Additionally, as it turns out, the student had a similar case in other courses as well. The student did not want to do any work and still get a passing grade. When asked if the librarian thought the issue was fairly handled for everyone, she told me that the school’s dean had to intervene as the legal guardians were threatening to sue the school (even though the school was not at fault). In the end, she believes that the issue was handled fairly and I agree with her choice. If someone doesn’t do any work but still expect to get a good grade, they need to be reprimanded and reminded that the world does not work that …show more content…

Her action to not reveal how the student was performing in the class to the legal guardian can be seen as a duty of her job. She has the will to make the right decision and she did the thing that was the best for her and for the student. By not revealing the truth about the student to legal guardians, she follows the categorical imperative, which is that duty needs to be followed without exception. Additionally, we can look at her situation through the compliance program as well. A compliance program is defined as a formal program specifying an organization’s policies within a process to help prevent and detect violations of laws and regulations by going further than the company’s code-of-conduct. As she has to comply with the compliance program to continue to teach as a professor, she could not reveal the student’s performance to the guardians. The compliance program of being a professor goes further than the code-of-conduct of being a professor by applying the code to the specific risks of an organization and integrating measures to address those risks. As the Dean had to intervene to prevent any harm to both parties, she did break the compliance program, a little. However, the information she revealed had no effect on either the student or the legal

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