Ethical Dilemma In Counseling

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There will be times when we, as counselors, face the challenge that is an ethical dilemma. When deciding how to manage these types of situations, there are ethical, legal and moral considerations. The American Counseling Association has established the ethical guidelines for counselors. The legal obligations counselors must adhere to are established by the federal government and state legislation. Moral principles that counselors reflect upon being autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity and veracity (Remley & Herlihy, 2014). The balancing act of these three elements is essential in the ethical decision making process. The following case study presents the ethical dilemma surrounding Gentry, a sixteen year old, female client, who has come to counseling and disclosed that she is pregnant and is unsure of what to do next (tell her parents, have an abortion, have the child, etc.). For the purpose of this dilemma, since it is not otherwise specified, it is assumed that the client has sought my services at a private …show more content…

First, breach confidentiality, and fully disclose the nature of Gentry’s situation. Second, breach confidentiality if pressed by the mother, but only minimal disclose that Gentry is not in imminent danger and that there is an issue Gentry is being assisted with. Then explain to Gentry that, due to her label as a minor and Tennessee legislation, she will be unable to hide her pregnancy from her family. I would assist Gentry in determining how she might disclose her pregnancy to her mother. Finally, refuse the mother completely and maintain Gentry’s confidentiality until she is in physical danger. I would consider seeking an illegal abortion (no parental consent) physical danger because a physician who is willing to perform an abortion without parental consent is, in my opinion, unconcern with the physical well-being of my client in a surgical procedure, and is, therefore, a

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