Ethic Speaking: Thank You For Not Smoking

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Ethic Speaking: Thank You for Not Smoking
Nick Naylor the main character of the movie is a lobbyist who lobby for the Academy of Tobacco Studies. Generally, his main responsibility is to publicly speak in favor of cigarettes and tobacco company with a primary goal to increase the revenues of the company by selling more cigarettes products. But, since common wisdom has it that tobacco and other form of cigarettes are among many of the leading killers in America and other places around the globe, Nick Naylor is generally hated by literally everyone in America who detest cigarettes and big tobacco industry. Therefore, those who oppose the tobacco industry argues that Nick is an unethical speaker. Likewise, with many other critics, myself included, we also continue to believe that Nick Naylor is truly an unethical speaker who has an ethical way of persuading his audiences with logic and reasoning which reinforce his argument. …show more content…

It is obvious that Nick Naylor has violated those standards throughout the entire movie. For instance, during his first interview with the Heather the journalist, asked Nick “I want to know how you see yourself.” Nick responded with a side joke and said “I am a mediator between two sects of society that are trying to reach an accommodation.” Then Heather followed up with another question, she asked him “Nick why do you do this? What motivates you?” and Nick responded “Population Control. Everyone got a Mortgage to pay.” In other order words Nick lobbied for the Tobacco company not because he is oblivious to the kind of effect that cigarettes actually generated to society, rather because it pays the mortgage and keep him and his family financially

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