Essay Why Student Athletes Should Be Paid

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The debate if college student athletes should be paid have been going on for quite a while now. These arguments become even louder when the student-athlete gets hurt, since an amount of consideration is supposed to be provided for their injuries. According to the book, The Advanced Reading-Writing Connection, written by John Langan, states that “it is evident that many athletes are paid beyond what their scholarships offer.” In addition, a question to also consider is whether a student who is in a demanding endeavor to becoming an academic success can also serve another very demanding role posed by the business. Business in this case, being the keeping up of performance in order to receive pay. Universities also profit from this, and they are much more likely to protect their gain. Although, will this be the best interest of the student or it is to allow the university to get more money. As a result, the college sports recruitment is mainly not educational but entirely financial.
Having this in mind, we need to figure out whether the college athletes should be paid or not. How many Universities pay benefits to the athletes should be a factor in consideration too. Although not forgetting how the money they receive and their education. In this, there is a lineup of points that do support the idea of student …show more content…

In this, they could get hurt or injured in the game or at practice. If this happens for many of them, it is game over. Their athletic career had ended even before it got a chance to have a favorable outcome. In addition, since the students are not considered as employees when an injury occurs, they cannot recover, and they are swept under the rug (Dosh 203). Therefore, to further the students dream and ensure that they keep on playing the game they love, it is necessary for them to be given full advantages of an

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