Essay On Wicca

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One of the most famous times was the vurning times. "The Burning Times" was a time between ____ and ___ when Witches were persecuted violently throughout Europe. The phrase first appeared in the writings of witches in the twentieth century. Historians normally refer to the Burning Times as "The great European Witch hunt" ______________________________________________________________
In the 1990s and 2000s, Wicca began to become recognized as a religion in popular culture. Aspects of Wicca were combined into the New Age movement, and a lot of Wiccans began to start using New Age beliefs and practices. Wicca was also began to be added in to movies, books, and shows; in 1996, the American film “The Craft” was released, it was about four witches who are changed by their power. The same year the tv series “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” came out, which was followed by “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, and then, the year after that, “Charmed” and the movie “Practical Magic”. While these were criticized alot by a lot of Wiccans, they did encourage many teenagers and young adults to learn more about the religion. Most covens and Neopagan groups did not allow people under eighteen into their coven, and so many teenagers started using books to find out more. Because of this, quite a few books were published to provide for them, including Silver Ravenwolf's Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation and Scott Cunningham's Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. This helped wicca to get more younger people involved in their religion, and it has been thought that the reason why so many young adults are paying attention to the faith can "Be attributed to the fact that it tackles issues that teenagers are interested in — in a way that other religions...

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...ey also worship a goddess who changes with the phases of the moon. Another similarity is Christians and wick both have communion in wicca a chalice is passed around their wiccan circle so each witch can take a drink from the chalice. And the words “may you never thirst” are said to the person with the chalice. Even though both religions have communion they are for two completely different reasons. Christianity has communion as a reminder of the last supper which Jesus gave thanks and took bread and told his disciples that the bread is his body and the wine is His blood which is given to us for the forgiveness of sins. So even though both religions have communion this does not mean that they mean the same thing. Lastly both religions have a doctrine only where chriastianity has the bible wicca has the wiccan rede which is much shorter in comparison to the bible.

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