Essay On What Was The Role Of Women In The Spanish Civil War

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This investigation will be focused on “How important was the role of women in the Spanish Civil War in order to achieve their rights”, and will analyze the impact of the women during years 1936-1939 years in which Spanish civil war was developed, and how the General Franco let women have a bigger or smallest impact in his campaign or his dictatorship, as Manuel Azaña belonged to this period of time he can support or discourage the role of woman, Therefore we are going to study how the rights of woman were closed to be develop on that time during a war, there are a lot of articles about this period of time that would help me to understand the situation on this years.
Source A
A Conference given by Pura Sanchez on Seville July 30-1 August 2006.
Pura inform us about the repression of women during

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