Essay On Underage Drinking

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About 11% of the alcohol consumed in the United States is by people ages 12-20. Every year, 4,300 underage drinkers die of drinking in excess. These are some pretty shocking statistics. How do we save the other teens who have an addiction to alcohol, or will if we don’t help them? The following possible solutions could help. We can solve the underage drinking problem by tightening ease of purchasing alcohol, increasing the price of alcohol, and creating a curfew for the purchase of alcohol. Tightening the easiness of buying alcohol is one way to potentially solve the problem of underage drinking. This can be put into play by making every potential buyer of alcohol show an ID. In a study conducted in West Hudson by the HCCDFC, 8 out of 11 stores visited did not ask for proof of age. Several years ago, Indiana passed a law that made it so, no matter what your age was, you had to show an ID when acquiring alcoholic beverages. This law could be a reality in most, if not all, of the states. This could help with controlling the amount of alcohol bought and consumed by people under 21. Increasing the price of alcohol could deter many people from buying alcohol at a younger age. Many people wouldn’t be able to afford alcohol if the price was higher. It also might force underage people to expose that they are addicted to …show more content…

There might be exceptions to this rule, such as New Year’s, and a few minutes leeway might be permitted. But if all purchases of alcohol after midnight were prohibited, it could result in less drunk driving accidents as well as less underage people getting drunk. To enforce this curfew, cashiers and store employees would simply refuse to sell anyone alcohol after midnight. This curfew would also help adults to not get in drunk driving accidents or die of an overdose. A curfew could help prevent underage people from getting

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