Essay On Tourette Syndrome

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Tic disorder (so called Tourette syndrome) is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder with onset before age 21 years. Tics are generally involuntary, repetitive, stereotyped movements that occur many times a day. Also, Tourette syndrome typically change anatomic location, frequency, type, complexity, and severity over time. It is characterized by tics that continuously repeated and severity behavior problems including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and some forms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). The range of symptoms for Tic disorder is very diverse included motor and phonic tics. Tic is that respective movement, gestures, or utterances in a moment. Motor tics is defined as unexpected movements and Phonic or vocal tics defined as simple sniffing or throat cleaning to fragment of word and phases. Usually, the duration of the tis is last under a second. The tic can occur in the same time and different combination from body. The Sensorimotor phenomena is frequently come together with tics and obsessive-compulsive behavior.
A transient tic disorder is defined as an uncontrollable or abrupt movement and sound which does not relate to normal gestures of a person. Every person has different way to experiences tics disorder and they suffer from uncontrolled noises and movements. Tics disorder occurs frequently in children, and children with transient tic disorder may have some noticeable physical tics. According to the statistics of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, it states that tics disorder affect up to at least 10% of children during school years (AACAP, 2012).
The most common tic disorder is named Tourette syndrome, where both physical and vocal tics can take place during the same period o...

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Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the useful tools to cope with transient tic disorders. During the sessions of disease, patients had better learn how to avoid self-destructive actions starting by controlling their emotions, feelings, and behaviors.
It is not the case that medication can always completely cure tic disorders, however it can help people feel at ease by reducing the symptoms in some people. Also, the doctors can prescribe a drug or medicine which reduces the dopamine in your brain, which is one of the neurotransmitters that may be linked to tic disorders.
Finally, the doctors can always treat transient tic disorders with antidepressants as well. Scientists have proved that these drugs treat symptoms of sadness or anxiety, and even obsessive compulsive disorders, hence these medicine can help with the complications of tic disorders.

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