Essay On Toothpaste

556 Words2 Pages

There are many uses for new inventions. Edible toothpaste is used in space and in society. For example, in the 1960’s, rocket ships (Apollo 11) were tight and cramped. These rockets could not fit a toilet or a sink in as the whole rocket was filled with mission-related equipment. In space this toothpaste was used so that a toilet or a sink was not needed to brush one’s teeth. As the flights were really long and oral health would become a problem, scientists wanted to solve this problem. These scientists worked with dentists and sought to find a solution. This is how they came up with space paste or also known as ingestible toothpaste. Another useful and innovative toothpaste is made from all-natural ingredients, which makes it a very healthy toothpaste. This toothpaste is called Neonisin. There is an active ingredient in Neonisin and this is “Nisin”. Nisin is a peptide, which is harvested from lactic bacteria found in soy bean curd. In daily life, this toothpaste is used in many families as an alternative toothpaste for children and as a first toothpaste for babies. This is possible ...

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