Essay On The Ten Commandments

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The Original Ten
In society today, the followers of Christianity and Judaism believe that they are correctly interpreting the Ten Commandments. The original Ten Commandments were set up by God as a covenant between himself and his followers. To clarify the true meaning of these instructions, more information is needed than these commandments alone. When researchers and believers resorted to the passages of the bible, then the “truth” was revealed.
The story of the original Ten Commandments occurs in the book of Exodus. The first time God communicated with Moses was on top of Mount Sinai in Egypt. During the first meeting, God explained why he helped rescue Israel from the reign of polytheistic Egypt. Since Egypt’s religious practices during the time of Moses consisted of praising animals and multiple gods. God then explained that the Israelites were to be made into priests to serve God in this nation. During their second meeting on Mount Sinai, God verbally revealed to Moses what we call the Ten Commandments. Along with these commandments, Moses was given laws to help manage the civilian’s lives and the way that they should be worshiping. These laws are cited at the beginning Exodus 25:1, directly after the deliverance of the Ten Commandments. After the receiving of the commandments, Moses stayed on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights. In this time frame, God gave instructions for constructing the tabernacle to house the commandments and guidelines for offerings. Then, God handed Moses two tablets made of stone. On these two tablets were the original Ten Commandments written in God’s script. Moses actions that secede this miracle pave the way for the second set of commandments (Guenther, Leanne. DLTK's Bible Activities for Ki...

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"The Purpose and Meaning of the Tenth Commandment." The Tenth Commandment. N.p., 8 Feb. 2014. Web. 21 July 2014. .

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