Essay On The Role Of Women In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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The women in The epic of Gilgamesh play an unavoidable and yet a significant role in Gilgamesh’s process of maturity and the quest his quest for immorality. In The epic of Gilgamesh we are introduced to a few female Characters; Ishtar the goddess of love and war, Ninsun Gilgamesh’s mother , Arura the goddess of birth and fertility, Shamhat the prostitute of Uruk, Sinduri the tavern keeper and the wife of Ut-Napushtim. Everyone of these women played a significant role in Gilgamesh’s life, whether it was in his coming of age process ( maturity) or his quest for immorality. There are not many female characters in The Epic of Gilgamesh compared to the men. It is evident that the role of women was indeed apparent in Gilgamesh’s change of character …show more content…

If Enkidu has not created with the help of Shamat transforming him from a wild man into a masculine man , teaching him the ways of the civilized and both Shamhat and Ninsun encouraging Enkidu and Gilgamesh to become friends. Shamhat the temple prostitute played a role in Gilgamesh's process of maturing even thought it was indirectly through a man ,Enkidu. She used her sexuality , learning and Wisdom to tame Enkidu. Shamhat taught Enkidu how to be civilized it is not only evident in the way he behaves, but the morals he upholds . Througout civilizing Enkidu, she taught him the virtues of humanity ,courage and nobility . These virtues are shown or rather apparent when Enkidu opposes Gilgamesh on the way he behaves but solely how he has no regard for the women .Even though they fight and make peace which results in a companionship, Gilgamesh pays careful attention to the characteristic traits Enkidu posses . If it was not for Shamhat teaching, civilizing Enkidu and encouraging him to become friends with Gilgamesh and Ninsun encouraging Gilgamesh to become friends with Enkidu and pleading with the two to stop fighting. If it was not for the two women ( Shamhat and Ninsun) Gilgamesh and Enkidu would have not become friends. Most importantly Gilgamesh would have not mature through his friendship with Enkidu where by he paid close attention to mercy, humility , courage and nobility he heeded from Enkidu. If Shamhat had not groomed Enkidu the way she did these virtues would have not been noticed or been evident in Enkidu. Shamhat, Ninsun and Aurua played a role in Gilgamesh’s process of maturity even though it is done indirectly through Enkidu. Who was created by a woman and taught what he knows of a

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