Essay On The Parole System

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The United States of America contains the third largest population in the world, as well as the world’s largest prison population (Aliprandini and Finley). In order for the large criminal justice system to be successful, it must have a strong parole system. But the U.S. parole system is known to have a multitude of problems within it. Many of these problems can be solved by focusing on the relationships between the parole officers and the parolees (a person on parole). By participating in systems to better the work ethic of parole officers. Following through to fixing these affairs may seem unrealistic, however the outcome would be beneficial to society. Issues within the United States parole system include; the ineffectiveness of parolees
A solution that would fix the parole system in all areas discussed above would include a system to better prepare the parole officers for what they may come across in their work, provide more clarity when it comes to releasing criminals into the parole system, and provide a more patient and understanding parole board. A plan of action for the bettering of parolee and supervising officer relationships would include a class for those hoping to become parole officers. An example of a system that would help to solve this problem can be found in Canada, called STICS (Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision)(Gleicher, Manchak, and Cullen). STICS is a three day program that includes checkpoints that parolees need to meet. These checkpoints can only be achieved if the parole officer realizes that the parolee is succeeding. One point in a ten point reform plan is the, “Processes for parole release decisions should be improved to more closely resemble an original sentencing hearing” (Rhine, Petersilia, and Reitz 30). This means that there should be more strict points in place that need to be followed in the system. There should be fairly sentenced times for criminals who commit the same crime, and there should be a clear reason that someone is being put into the parole system (e.g. “time served”).
These issues include the ineffectiveness of parolees meeting with their supervising parole officers, courts letting prisoners out prematurely due to non-parole related reasons, and lastly, after the prisoner is put on parole they are set up for failure when they enter the parole system. The causes of these problems range from unpreparedness, lack of clarity, and mistreatment of parolees. These problems can be easily solved by partaking in systems that will fix the parole system from the inside out. The solutions to these problems may seem unattainable however, they can be fixed since there is a need to help the people who have been lost in the struggle of dealing with a broken parole

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