Essay On The Northwest Ordinance

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Elizabeth Gammariello History 111 Class Session #27445 07-08-2017 Primary Source Analysis Document’s Name: The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Document’s Author: Nathan Dane was the document’s main author. However, other members of Congress contributed to the making of this document, such as Rufus King. Year document war written: 1787 Textbook chapter or chapters to which the document is historically relevant: The Northwest Ordinance is relevant to Chapters 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, and 15. The Ordinance is relevant to Chapter 5 because it reflects ideas that were common in the Enlightenment, such as equality and civil rights for all people. It is relevant to Chapter 7 because the Northwest Ordinance puts forth new governing policies in western, specifically northwestern, territories. It is relevant to Chapter 9 because it set the precedent for the Louisiana Territory, in which citizens sought statehood and established their own government similarly to the Northwest Territory. The Northwest Ordinance is relevant to Chapter 12 because it encouraged and strengthened the popular belief in the Manifest Destiny, which led to the war between the United States and Mexico and the annexation of western lands. The Northwest Ordinance is also relevant to the chapters that address equality in certain territories because this document …show more content…

207). The Northwest Ordinance, similar in wording to the Declaration of Independence, specifically articulates the governmental system to be established in the Northwest Territory. Moreover, this document provides specific laws dealing with civil and natural rights, including trial by jury, freedom of religion, and the exclusion of

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