Essay On The Misunderstood Misfit

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The Misunderstood Misfit With his violent, deliberate killing, the Misfit seems to be an unlikely person to look to as a role model or to look to for spiritual or moral guidance, but he does demonstrate a deep conviction that the other characters lack. His beliefs and actions are not moral or widely accepted by others, but they are strong and consistent, if he had applied his moral integrity to a less wicked lifestyle, he could have been considered a preacher or even a teacher. Throughout the story the Misfit seriously questions the meaning of life and the role he has in it. He carefully considers his every action in life and has examined his experiences to find lessons within them. The Misfit has renamed himself believing that his punishment didn’t fit the crime he committed. He states “I call myself The Misfit because I can’t make what all I done wrong fit what all I gone through in punishment.” He is brutally honest in my opinion. Because of the fact that the Misfit has questioned himself and his life so closely he reveals a self-awareness that the Bailey …show more content…

“I found out the crime don’t matter. You can do one thing or you can do another, kill a man or take a tire off his car, because sooner or later you’re going to forget what it was you done and just be punished for it.” (123) As readers we think there is a huge difference between killing someone and taking his tire, but The Misfit fails to acknowledge that there is a major difference between these two acts. All crimes seem to be the same to him, and punishment too is also all the same because it is never deserved in his opinion. He admits that he has done things wrong in the past that are obviously wrong by other people’s standards, but they do not feel wrong to him so he resents being punished for his

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