Essay On The Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

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Reading Journal #6 Currently, I have completed reading “The Hatchet” by Gary Paulsen. The genre of this novel is action and adventure. The Hatchet is the second book is the whole series. In this book, a thirteen-year-old boy named Brian was off to Canada in a small plane. He was on his way to meet his father, who moved to Canada after his parents divorced. The pilot flying the plane asked Brian to come sit with him where the plane’s controls are, since Brian was all alone seated at the back. As the pilot and Brian were talking the pilot had a heart attack. Brian tried saving him with the emergency kit, but it was no use. The pilot died, and the plane was in Brian’s control. He landed the plane and crashed into the woods, but he survived. …show more content…

He went through many adventures and improved on his hunting skills. He survived in the woods for forty-two days, and no one came to rescue him. Suddenly, a plane arrives. It was circling around the area where the emergency transmitter switch was turned on. The pilot lands beside a lake and sees Brian. The pilot tells Brian that he was signaled from the emergency transmitter. At the end of the book, Brian was taken back to his mother in New York City and was never able to see his father. This book was told in Brian’s …show more content…

I would change it to Brian surviving on his own, and waiting for someone to rescue him. Then he would escape by himself. I would make the emergency transmitter work normally, and someone was coming to save him. Though when he was hunting, the transmitter ending up breaking. From this situation, Brian tries to make a plan to escape. Everyday, he’ll go into the woods to find food and materials to make weapons. Then, when he’s ready he’ll explore the woods looking for a village or city to ask help. As he was exploring the woods, he will have to fight off his predators such as a bear, or a wolf. I would have written down a part where he is about to die from being attacked, and right when the predator was going to kill him, a hunter kills the predator from behind and saves Brian. When Brian’s cured, he thanks the hunter, and realizes that his father was the hunter who saved him. They both end up living together in the woods. Overall, this book is amazing. I like how it was based on survival skills through hunting. This book teaches you life hacks through it’s description of what Brian does to survive. Also, the author wrote the book in a way to make the readers get scared. That you don’t know if Brian’s going to survive or die while hunting for dangerous predators. I think that I will read this series since I’m enjoying the first book, and my reading goal is going

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