Essay On The Difference Between The Giver Book And Movie

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There are many differences between The Giver book and movie. Some of them are major changes that made a difference in parts of the story. Others are minor changes that did not really change anything. Although the two have slight differences the book and the movie have the same meaning and convey the same message. The three major similarities and differences between the book and the movie are that Jonas, Asher, Fiona and the other young characters are aged up in the movie, Fiona was interested in working at the Nurturing Center instead of the House of Old, and that Jonas released the memories in both movie and book at the end.

One obvious difference between the novel and movie is that Jonas, Asher, Fiona and the other young characters are aged up in the movie, and also, there were more people in Jonas’s age group in the movie than in the book. Jonas, Asher, and Fiona were 18 …show more content…

In the movie, Jonas reached the border/edge and it was very suspenseful because the audience didn't know if he would reach it in time to save Fiona, or if Fiona was going to get injected. But, in the book, Lois Lowry never talked about what was happening in the community after Jonas left, and only on Jonas’s point of view: “Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only an echo.”(Page 225) This shows that in the book, Jonas was the main center of attention, but in the movie, it was split.

In conclusion, the main storyline of the movie The Giver is very similar to that of the novel, but there are many differences also. While the age of the characters and the role of Fiona differ, the theme of the book is still the same. The theme was the importance of memories and emotions. This theme is important to viewers and readers alike and makes you realize how precious every moment of your life

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