Essay On The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

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The world’s 3,000 largest companies are causing $2.2 trillion in environmental damage every year according to Greenbiz. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 was catastrophic. Millions of gallons of oils spilled from the explosion of the oil drill. The company was not running maintenance checks and fixes. Pressure built up with the drill and the hole they were drilling from could not be closed. So oil kept pouring out for over three months. Spilled approximately 11 million U.S. gallons of oil and considered most damaging oil spill to the environment. A quarter million animals died and billions of salmon and herring eggs died. Today you can still see oil around coastal areas in that region. Contamination of water in Flint and Belmont. Government …show more content…

Nestle is trying to get water from Lake Michigan for dirt cheap and turn around and sell it in California to make an outstanding profit. Nestle can pump up to 400 gallons of water per minute. Chevron contributed to 3.52 percent to global warming emissions and dumped millions of gallons of toxic waste in Ecuador. Was fined $9.5 million for spreading toxins throughout the Amazon river. First company to be fined $2 million in Africa for oil spills. In 2011 a crude oil spill of the coast of Rio de Janeiro and fined $17.3 million by the Brazilian government. ExxonMobil contributes 3.22 percent of global warming emissions. Air pollution is extremely serious and more than half is caused my automobiles according to the Union of Concerned Scientists. Also said that nearly one half of Americans live in areas that do not meet the federal air quality standards. A solution to this problem could be electric cars. Throughout 2017 there has been more releases of electric cars. Tesla is known for their electric vehicles and if they could come up with a cheap reliable car for the majority of Americans. Instead of having a $70,000 car being their cheapest model, maybe they drop a $20,000 car that your average American can afford. After a few years the cars value will go down allowing college and high school students to purchase it. I read an article by Swapna Krishna on Mercedes-Benz and they plan to have an electric version of all their models by

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