Essay On The Cross Country Challenge: Surviving My Long Road Trip

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The Cross Country Challenge: Surviving my Long Road Trip Adequate preparation for any trip can prevent frustration and aggravation along the way, as well as making it more productive. Summer is the perfect time for getting together with friends and hitting the road for an adventure. In the summer of 2015, me and a couple of friends, Alex Banuelos and Hyeseong Chae decided to go on a road trip across the United States. I met Alex and Hyeseong when I was in the Army and stationed at Yongsan, South Korea. This was a spur of the moment road trip planned at the last minute. We agreed that my jeep was the best option for our means of transportation. Our long car ride and hitting many stops along the way presented us with our own set of challenges and opportunities. When deciding a destination you’ll want to know what route you’re taking, and at least roughly how many days you’re planning to be on the road. Alex, Hyeseong and I, did not have a plan in place. We …show more content…

We had finally arrived at the wonderful city of New Orleans, Louisiana. First, we checked into our hotel room. We were lucky enough to get a room at the Alexa Quarters in New Orleans. We could have saved more money if we had booked a room ahead of time. What caught my eye about this hotel was its stunning architecture. The stylish marble and limestone occupied the hallways with a pleasant scent. Alcohol can be very expensive. Later in the day, we went to Bourbon Street in downtown New Orleans and ordered our very first drink called the Hand Grenade. This drink was quite delicious. It was served to us in a green, translucent, plastic yard glass container with a bulgy, texted based shaped like an oversized hand grenade. It had a melon flavor that helped hide the alcohol pretty well. Between the three of us, we had about five or six drinks. We definitely should have cut back on our alcohol and booked our room well in advance at a much cheaper

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