Essay On The Causes Of The Civil War

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The leading cause of the American Civil war cannot be traced down to just one issue and many individual ones. The American Civil War lasted from 1861 to 1865 and had over 618,000 deaths because of it. All this was building up years before the first battle was fought. These issues of slavery, cultural differences, economics, and different constitutional views created tensions and conflict which ended to the Civil war. While there was multiple difference between the North and South, the issue of slavery further divided up the nation. From a northern perspective, most northerners saw slavery a bad and evil thing was happening in America. Slavery has been abolished in most if not all the northern states. For the other southern side, they were proslavery and said slavery was necessary to the southern way of life. With these completely different views that arose during the time, this created conflict for both parties involved as they tries to force each other’s views. The next issue that was another leading cause of the civil war was the cultural differences. This again was due to the ...

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