Essay On The Catacombs Of Paris

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First of all I chose to research the Catacombs of Paris because, well they just frankly interested me. The massive amounts of human bone and skulls is so horrifying yet interesting at the same time to me. All the numerous times the bodies were moved and I can’t even begin to imagine the labor of the people who had to dig out the tunnel system below Paris. I chose to write my paper on the catacombs because of the above and because of the sheer size of the catacombs, there are so many miles and levels to it, I just think that it is amazing and I wanted to know more about it. How it became a mass tomb for millions of bones, where the bones were before their final resting place in the catacombs were all things that I wanted to know.
The Catacombs of Paris is an underground mass grave. The need for a mass tomb came about when some of Pairs’ cemeteries became vastly overcrowded and the result was that they had to close. Most of the cemeteries back then were owned and ran by the church. The Parisian mines under the streets of Paris were no longer being used for mining purposes. The mines served as an excellent location to move all of the corpses. The Parisian cemeteries were emptied and moved to the underground tunnel system. The Catacombs entrance is located in the Fourteenth arrondissement of Paris. In the public section of the catacombs where visits are easy to come by, however there is an adventurous breed of explorers known as cataphiles that explore the closed areas of the catacombs, this is done outside of the law. There are two hundred and thirteen total steps on the tour of the catacombs. It takes around forty five minutes for the tour to be completed.

Les Innocents, one of Paris’ largest cemeteries at the time was a start t...

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...d and full, workers had to all exhume of the corpses, and the bones along with the skulls of the people that were buried there were moved cart by cart into the mines under the streets. At first the bones were just tossed where ever there was space, there was no organization to them at all. Later on, all of the bones and skulls were reorganized into designs and the catacombs had some order to them. After they were organized, the catacombs became open to the public. Only a small section is open for public visits. So naturally, there are people that want to go where they catacombs aren’t open to the public. These people are referred to cataphiles. They are explorers of the catacombs, they may stay down there for weeks at a time even. The catacombs are one of the largest mass tombs in the world, and is one of Paris’ most attracting site to tourists around the world.

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