Essay On The Book Of Mice And Men

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According to the American Association John Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men, is one of the top 10 most challenged books in school during the 1990's. The novel focuses on two migrant workers, George and Lennie, who work, dream, and endure the difficulties of being human. As the novel ends the hopes, dreams, and happiness of George and Lennie are crushed beyond the condition in defeat. This novel paints a horrific portrait of the human experience through profanity, inappropriate language, racism, sexism, adult content and murder. John Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men, should be a banned book. The novel Of Mice and Men should be banned because it contains racial insults and the book shows us that the people are harassing Crook just because of his color. For example when Lennie is in Crook's room he asked why he wasn't wanted in the bunkhouse and he says "...because I'm black. They play cards in there but I can't play because I'm black. They said I stink" (68). This quote shows that Crooks isn't allowed to hang out with the other men in the bunkhouse or allowed to do things with them just because he is black. Also when Curley's wife goes in Crook's room they started arguing and Crook says "You got no right coming in a colored man's room, you got no rights messing around in here at all. Now you just get out... listen nigger, you know what I can do to you if you open your trap?" (80) This quote shows us even though Crooks didn't say anything bad or insulted anyone she is technically saying that she could get him killed in an instant. The second reason why I think that the book should be banned is because it is filled with sexism. There is only one woman and the men think that she is weak, helpless, or were put here for a r... ... middle of paper ... ... they are going to kill Lennie he went to get Carlson's gun. When they were at the river, he tells Lennie to look down across the river and picture you can see the place. Then they said "Got him, by God ... right in the back of the head" (107). This quote shows that even though George loved him as a brother he shot Lennie in the back of the head to save him from a more painful death from Curley, this is still considered murder because it wasn't Georges responsibility to kill him. I believe that John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men should be banned because throughout the novel there are offensive and vulgar language, profanity, racism, sexism, loose word of "nigger" and the treatment to the mentally retarded. This is why it should be banned because this probably isn't suited for the young people like Junior High or lower, but probably is okay to read for High School.

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