Essay On The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Revolutionary War

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Compared to that of the British Army, the American Army had a significant amount of disadvantages throughout the duration of the American Revolution. However, despite their many disadvantages, the American Armed forces still defeated the British. Simply put, the Americans had more to fight for then the British did. The Americans fought for their rights, their independence, as well as their liberty. The Americans had very few advantages throughout the duration of the war. In addition to their grand cause to fight, they as well had help from other countries. The Americans and the French had formed an alliance and together fought to defeat the British. The French supplied nearly ninety percent of the American’s Gunpowder during the first two …show more content…

According to Digital History, the sheer geographical size of the colonies made it impossible for British forces to occupy the countryside. The article then goes on to state “because of their inability to control the country side, the British found it difficult to protect the Loyalists from the fury of patriots, who sometimes tarred and feather and even murdered those who remained loyal to the crown.” The article American Strengths and British Weaknesses states that the geographic vastness of the colonies proved a hindrance to the British effort. The article then goes on to state “despite occupying every major city, the British remained at a disadvantage” (Us History). In addition to the geographical size, an advantage at the time was that the colonies lacked a single national capital, which, if captured, could have led to the end of …show more content…

According to Edward G. Gray, author of Liberty’s Losers, the war nearly doubled the national debt in England. As a result of the war, Britain suffered from severe financial strains. Unlike the royal army, the Americans had tremendous difficulty raising funds to supply their troops with basic necessities such as shoes and blankets. However, sending troops over seas proved slow and costly. Due to the lengthy distance between England and America, news of battles arrived long after they occurred, making planning very difficult for the Royal

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