Essay On Texas Immigration

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As Americans, we like to believe that the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. There is more freedom, protection, and benefits that are ideal for someone who is looking to improve their life. However, our country is not perfect and there is one issue that has become quite controversial over the last few years: immigration. More specifically, immigration into Texas. The concept of immigration should not be looked upon as a problem. Our country was founded on immigration so it is not something that we aren’t familiar with. It is when people cross into the U.S. illegally that is the problem and one that should not be taken lightly. According to the Migration Policy Institute, there are approximately 1,470,000 adult illegal immigrants living in Texas (Source 2) as well as approximately 588,000 children of illegal immigrants making a grand total of 2.06 million illegal immigrants living in Texas. (Source 1) With such a vast amount …show more content…

However, not everyone that travels into Texas and into the US crosses in hopes of establishing themselves here. A large part of them actually flee their homes in order to escape the violence that has erupted within their countries.(Source 5) As long as the violence continues in Mexico and Central America, people will continue to flee to the Texas. Bigger border walls will not be able to stop this. However, ending the drug war will. It will also undoubtedly decrease the amount of drugs that enter into our country as well. Whether it may have positive effects or negative ones, there’s no question that illegal immigration is an issue that cannot be ignored. And the problem isn’t necessarily finding a solution to help slow or prevent illegal immigration. It’s figuring out which solution will work the best for us. We will always encourage foreigners to come to our country, just as long as the proper steps are taken to do

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