Essay On St Helena Cathedral

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The Cathedral of Saint Helena If you are to ever travel to Helena, Montana. You will want to visit St. Helena's Cathedral. It is one of the sites that your trip wouldn't be complete without. Saint Helena's Cathedral was a an amazing feat of the time. It is a truly beautiful and astonishing sight to see from the breathtaking stained glass windows that uphold the tradition of telling biblical stories. To the majestic twin spires that reach nearly 230 feet in the air. This cathedral is a true marvel still at this day and age.
One of the most eye-catching architectural feats in the town of Helena, Montana is St. Helena’s Cathedral. A cathedral is a church where people gather to pray and worship under the leadership of a bishop(“Montanakids”). The word cathedral in actuality means chair. So a cathedral is simply the church where a bishop presides because it holds within it the bishops special …show more content…

The Columbia Construction Company of New York was awarded the contract for the both the cathedral and for the St. Helena school which stands adjacent(“Montanakids”). Mr. A. O. Von Herbulis; a resident of Washington, D.C. was commissioned to be the architect(“Cathedral of St. Helena”). He was a man who had trained abroad and due to his vast knowledge of the cathedrals of Europe was chosen to design the Cathedral of Saint Helena. When it was time to submit his sketches he had two designs. One was in a romanesque style and the other in a more gothic form. The sketches were then presented to the Building Committee and Advisory Board. The gothic design for the cathedral was chosen and approved unanimously. Some accounts may state that the Cathedral of Saint Helena is modeled after the cathedral in Cologne, Germany. But in all actuality Mr. Von Herbulis modeled the Cathedral of Saint Helena after the Votivkirche in Vienna, Austria. The Votivkirche was under construction when was studying abroad in the

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