Essay On Sports And Sports

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Sports activities and interests provide many positive opportunities for children. However, they can also cause some problems. Many parents believe that participation in sports will enhance children’s school accomplishments, while others believe that sports get in the way of their children’s achievement. Sports is an important part of a student’s life. It enhances their physical abilities and capacity. I believe that there isn’t too much emphasis placed on sports but it is a significant and substantial aspect in the life of a student.

Johan Huizinga tells us that “Human beings are truly unique, not because we think or have language, but because we have the capacity for play.” Huizinga says that play is everywhere and he does not see play simply …show more content…

They discipline themselves. They practice with grueling regularity the necessary skills for their sport. This can be a good exercise for students because education, life accomplishments, creative contributions in the arts, sciences, business, and government involve similar perseverance and self-discipline. We should teach our students to function in competition and how to both win and lose as good sports. I believe that children must learn that winning and losing are both temporary, and that they can’t give up or quit. Some children are natural athletes while others have lesser physical coordination. Sports and athletic activity are good for building confidence for both groups. For the well coordinated, the discipline of honing skills gives a sense of improvement and accomplishment. Winning games and moving to higher levels of competition permit these children to sense their personal progress. This can also help build leadership skills. Sports teams give students an opportunity to surround themselves with competitive people and role models, and learn from them both. When there are rules that are inviolate and people accept and operate within those rules, magic can emerge. It …show more content…

Flashes of sceneries and events replaying over and over in the minds of these people - engraved and etched into the deepest depths of their aspiring minds. People may favour to hold on to the memories that others may not believe to be of value, some even choose to go through difficult situations just to keep these thoughts flittering around in their minds - but these are unforgettable moments and indescribable feelings and are events that are not easily erased from our train of thought. A sense of euphoria from the nostalgic feeling of recalling and reminiscing. Emotions triggered by the events that unfold right before our eyes. An explanation for being unable to dismiss certain events from the brain would certainly be that when these events unfolded before humans, a reaction occurred that tied itself with a responding emotion – simply to say, what a person feels during these situations is what they recall and is what they are unable to forget. Our emotions basically create our thoughts and it is the reason why people have monumental

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