Essay On Spirometry

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The refined ABCD grading system utilizes respiratory symptoms and exacerbations alone to assign ABCD categories. These groups are now derived only from patient symptoms and their history of exacerbation. The role of spirometry in overall management of COPD has also been updated. Airflow limitation (obstruction on spirometry) is not a component of the ABCD severity system. Spirometry remains important mainly for diagnosis, prognosis, and consideration of therapies, but NOT for severity grading systems

COPD Treatment

Long-acting bronchodilators. Almost all patients with COPD who experience more than occasional dyspnea should be prescribed long acting bronchodilator therapy. This could be a long-acting beta agonist (LABA), a long acting muscarinic …show more content…

Combination agents containing inhaled corticosteroids along with long-acting beta agonists are considered appropriate step-up therapy for patients experiencing COPD exacerbations while taking long-acting bronchodilators.

Oral PDE4 inhibitors are considered an add-on therapy only for patients with COPD with chronic bronchitis and severe airflow restriction who experience COPD exacerbations despite use of a combination bronchodilator with inhaled corticosteroid.

Drugs for secondary pulmonary hypertension due to COPD are not advised.

Oxygen NOT recommended for most COPD Patients

The 2017 GOLD guidelines generally advise against the routine practice of prescribing supplemental oxygen to stable COPD patients without severe resting hypoxemia. In a randomized trial in >700 stable COPD patients with moderate hypoxemia, supplemental oxygen did not improve clinical outcomes or quality of life during the follow-up period.


The 2017 GOLD guidelines go further in advising what class of medication to use, in COPD patients according to where they fall in the ABCD grading scheme:
• COPD GOLD Grade A: A bronchodilator (short or long acting), titrating or switching to another as

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