Essay On Source Credibility

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Listeners perceive sources as credible for a variety of reasons, but most listeners have an opinion on the topic before the source even appears. This is commonly defined as surface credibility, and as credibility that derives from initial judgments based on surface traits such as a person’s appearance (Fogg, 2003). B.J. Fogg also discusses transactional credibility, which he defines as the credibility that is established during the time of interaction (Fogg, 2003). Social conformity plays a role in source credibility, and five characteristics have the greatest impact on an audience: expertness, reliability, intentions, dynamism, and personal attractiveness. When an audience finds the five characteristics in a source, the source is then perceived as more credible (Griffin, 1967).
In another study performed by Yoon, expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness were analyzed to measure the amount of influence on an audience. When an audience or listener finds the source to be trustworthy and an expert in the topic, the listener is less likely to question the source’s credibility (Griffin, 1967). Yoon also found when a listener is attracted to the source it is perceived as more credible than when a listener …show more content…

Terminal credibility is ranked on a scale of high and low; if the listener felt the source was credible it ranked as high terminal credibility and if the source was considered to have low credibility it ranked as low credibility (Griffin, 1967). Research also suggests that gender plays a role in the source’s credibility. Noel & Allen (1976) found through their research that writings from female authors are associated with lower quality. Individuals also rated males as more expert but less trustworthy. While most research is inconsistent, Burkhar (1989) found that women are often associated with higher credibility in writing, accuracy, and

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