Essay On Social Phenomena

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Is There a Science of Society, and Does It Affect Scientific Study of Social Phenomena that Effect Norms? Science has long since tried to explain a great many phenomena within society and the scientific world, explain great mysteries of the world that are difficult to understand. Along with phenomena within the world, there are phenomena within the science of society and understanding the various developments and changes within societies. The philosophy of social science can be described broadly as having two aims. Firstly, it seeks to produce a rational reevaluation of social science in a detailed way. This entails describing the philosophical assumptions that underline the practice of social inquiry, just as the philosophy of natural science seeks to lay bare the methodological assumptions that guide scientific investigation of natural phenomena. To investigate social phenomena through the scope of a philosophical viewpoint a specific examination must take place. Through this analysis, I will seek to explain why certain societies tend to abandon certain social norms that have existed in such societies for long periods of time. The specific social norm that is analyzed is the One-Child Policy of the Chinese government and its evolution over time, from its genesis period in 1979 to the present at which time the government of China is rethinking parts of the policy and the phasing out of this 30-year-old policy may be coming to a close. Firstly to adaquatly address the one-child policy and its effect on the social normative structure of China, the policy first needs to be evaluated and an understanding needs to be built about why the policy was enacted and how the former administration believed that the general populace could bene... ... middle of paper ... ...ina and increase it’s effectiveness at law keeping and control. The policy was originally justified to increase economic effectiveness under the Mao communist regime, but has been criticized by the international community since its inception in 1979. China’s failure to see the undermining factors that the law inhibits could cause economic and societal collapse in the future if it is not removed. The Chinese one-child policy has not only effected China demographically, leaving a larger percentage of the populace elderly, but it also is starting to present economic and social repercussions that could have been avoided without the unnecessary implementation of bad-norms. This norm in particular could be described as a judgment based norm. This kind of norm is a ‘how to be’ type of norm, focused on directing a individual’s or populations attitude or behavior.

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