Essay On Social Court Dance

884 Words2 Pages

Humans have expressed thoughts and emotions through movement long before the development of speech. However, the origins of ballet can be traced back specifically to the Renaissance period and the early court dances in France and Italy. Any celebratory occasion, such as the birth of an heir or an influential marriage would call for social court dancing. All ladies and gentlemen of the court learned these rather intricate dances as part of their grooming for society. Around the 1400s, as the court dances became more detailed and complicated, it became necessary to formally codify these dances to maintain consistency. Special dance instructors or “Ballet Masters” began to appear. These men were highly revered and considered to be the finest dance teachers. They also served as dance makers or choreographers, creating dances that were used throughout Europe. King Louis XIV had a profound influence on the progression of ballet. Not only was he an avid supporter of dance, he was also a beloved performer. In fact, King Louis XIV is commonly referred to as the Sun King, a name he received after appearing ornately adorned in gold as Apollo, god of the sun, in Le Ballet de la Nuit (The Ballet of the Night). Many other highly respected dancers include: Giovanni Battista Lulli, Vaslav Nijinsky, George Balanchine, Vladimir Malakhov, and many more, all being men. It wasn’t until the early 20th century where women were finally respected in the dance world. Women like Martha Graham, Angela Isadora Duncan, Mary Wigman, Gret Palucca, Harald Kreutzberg, Yvonne Georgi, and Twyla Tharp were the first dancers and choreographers who began to create a reputation for women that changed the image of dance all over the world. Today, one renounced Africa...

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...respect from white men around the world. Thanks to strong dancers such as Misty Copeland, Martha Graham, Twyla Tharp and Bojangles, African Americans have been much more inclusive in the dance world. Dancers have also struggled paying bills, affording healthcare or even a home because of their inability to maintain a steady paying job. Luckily, thanks to the Dancers Equity Association and many other organizations, dancers have been finding support systems to help achieve their dreams of being a performer. Educating society is the best solution for developing a respect for our professional field. Dance is very undermined in the world, questioned in our society of whether attending a university for dance is “worth the money”, and answering these questions with an honest and truthful statement is what needs to be done in order for society to understand our lives.

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