Essay On Snail Population

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In this lab, we explore the effects of natural selection on a snail population in two separate environments. Natural Selection is a theory first introduced by Charles Darwin, who suggested that populations produce a large number of offspring which leads to limited resources for survival. This theory states that individuals who are best adapted to the environment are the ones who survive and live on to reproduce and pass on their genetic information to offspring. The adapted traits would accumulate and change the population over time. The environment determines which traits are most evolutionary desirable to an organism. If a population should move or should the environment change, a different set of traits would be the most advantageous and thus become adaptive. Darwin’s famous finches are a great example of this as it shows natural selection occurring in populations who moved to different environments and then evolved into separate species, each with its own distinguishable beak adaptations. Also, if two populations find themselves in similar environments, it is likely that similar...

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