Essay On Slave Trade

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Since the beginning of slavery in the America, Africans have been deemed inferior to the whites whom exploited the Atlantic slave trade. Africans were exported and shipped in droves to the Americas for the sole purpose of enriching the lives of other races with slave labor. These Africans were sold like livestock and forced into a life of servitude once they became the “property” of others. As the United States expanded westward, the desire to cultivate new land increased the need for more slaves. The treatment of slaves was dependent upon the region because different crops required differing needs for cultivation. Slaves in the Cotton South, concluded traveler Frederick Law Olmsted, worked “much harder and more unremittingly” than those in the tobacco regions.1 Since the birth of America and throughout its expansion, African Americans have been fighting an uphill battle to achieve freedom and some semblance of equality. While African Americans were confronted with their inferior status during the domestic slave trade, when performing their tasks, and even after they were set free, they still made great strides in their quest for equality during the nineteenth century. As the United States continued to expand, the thirst for slave labor heightened. Once Congress outlawed the Atlantic slave trade, and thus the import of slave labor, planters created the domestic slave trade by looking to the Upper South and Eastern seaboard regions for slaves. The mania for buying slaves resulted in a massive forced migration. By 1860, more than one million African Americans were ripped from their communities where their families had lived for three or four generations, and were forced to migrate South.2 These slaves did not have a say in... ... middle of paper ... ... soldiers from committing criminal military acts against black soldiers, mistreatment against blacks still occurred. Many strides in the African American journey towards freedom and equality came about in the mid-nineteenth century. The domestic slave trade separated families and created an even greater hatred toward slave owners by blacks. African Americans gained some semblance of freedoms through the task-based labor systems in some Southern regions and freemen fought for equal pay while serving admirably as Union soldiers during the Civil War. Freemen in the North experienced racial discrimination and segregation, but established Free Societies which were crucial in advancing the rights for equality with prominent whites. Although not completely equal to whites by the end of the century, African Americans, as a whole, were headed in the right direction.

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