Hinduism And Buddhism Comparison Essay

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Similarities and Differences (Buddhism vs Hinduism)

Buddhism, and Hinduism as religions have many very clear similarities and differences. The Question about this statement is, what is similar and what is different? Today I would like to compare and contrast the funeral traditions of both of these two religions. Buddhism and Hinduism alike are similar in their traditions surrounding funerals in many ways such as their Funeral ceremonies. Although they are similar, many of these similarities are approached differently in each religion. I’ll address the traditions that are followed in preparation and during the ceremony with each of the two religions.

In both religions the body of the deceased will be prepared for the ceremony. In Buddhism, …show more content…

Buddhism believes in a blessing of the body of the deceased. A monk always does this. The blessing of a body will always be done in the presence of the family of the deceased, usually at the viewing before a funeral. The monks will sprinkle a type of blessed water over the body as well as place customary flowers, and herbs around the body. The body is blessed by mantras or chants done by the monk along with the family. These blessings are not solely for the deceased but a blessing to the family as well. A sign of the blessings being completed will be small string bracelets around the wrists of those who have been blessed. Now in Hinduism a “holy bath” is given to the deceased. In this ritual the body will be bathed in purified water. Those giving the holy bath will recite mantras as the clean the body. The deceased will have their big toes tied together, and their hands positioned together as in prayer once the body is cleaned. Finally the body will be covered in a white sheet when the ritual is …show more content…

In many cases in the Buddhist religion, male family members will go through a ceremony in the days prior to the funeral in becoming monks for the sole purpose of escorting the body during the funeral and to the cremation. The purpose of the monks escorting the body of the deceased is that spiritual figures will help guide the deceased until they are removed from their material bodies. In Hinduism, the escorts of a casket will general be the eldest male relative as well as another male elder. The cremation process follows strict guidelines in the Hindu religions. Those attending will pray, then the eldest male relative will do a circling of the body in the final step to prepare for the cremation. The cremation will always be feet first in the Hindu tradition, generally pointing south, towards the real of the their god of death. The cremation is much more strict than that of in the Buddhist tradition, in the Hindu tradition it is inappropriate for females to attend the

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