Essay On Self Weakness

685 Words2 Pages

I feel that having a weakness is a normal thing to everyone. Everyone should have experienced something terrifying in his or her life once. As for me, I have a weakness, which is having a low sense of self-efficacy. Despite this weakness, I have my strength too. My strength is prudence.

My low self-efficacy started when I tried to achieve something but ended up failing it. It demoralises me and makes me feel I have no confidence in completing work. Work includes, completing my homework and being able to perform academically well. For instance, I took my O levels last year and I did not score as well as I expected it to be. I worked really hard for it but my result shows otherwise. This of course, dampened my spirits and made me reconsider whether or not I should continue working hard.

My ideal self is to achieve everything perfectly as I planned. Having second thoughts about whether or not to continue working hard shows my lack of perseverance. This proves that my ideal self is strong but my self-concept is weak.

Whenever I am asked to complete an assignment, I will always have a lot of what ifs and full of doubts of myself. What if I gave in my 100% efforts but yet the results are still not what I’ve expected? What if I thought I would score an A but ended up getting a C? These doubts always conquered my thoughts and I felt a sense of ambivalence when I’m about to approach my assignment. Negatives thoughts gnawed at me and I tend to focus on the outcome of my product rather than how to tackle the questions.

My friends are aware of my problem. Whenever I talked to my friends about it, they would always question my negativity. Nevertheless, they still encourage me by reassuring me that everything will turn out fine. With the...

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... come up with a possible solution. Being able to solve things peacefully between two parties made everyone think that I am trustworthy and dependable.

Since I am prudent, I will naturally take cautious steps and think before acting. I can use this strength to help me strengthen my weakness. As mentioned previously, I am afraid of approaching my assignments; it can then help me raise my confidence level in starting my assignment with a positive start. Additionally, by proceeding with my 21 days challenge, I will constantly remind myself and this will help in the progression of my assignment along the way.

McGinnis, A. L. (1987). Confidence: How to succeed at being yourself. CA: Augsburg
Publishing House.
Quotes By William Shakespeare. (n.d.). Retrieved from 01.html

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