Essay On Scurvy

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Scurvy Jordan Pattison
A brief overview of scurvy
The name scurvy comes from the Latin scorbutus, humans have known about scurvy since ancient Greek and egyptian times, Scurvy is most commonly associated with sailors in the 16th -18th centuries who navigated long voyages without enough vitamin C, scurvy is very rare in the modern world.
What was known/believed about Scurvy in the past?
James Lind was a Scottish physician, he came up with a theory that citrus fruits cured scurvy. In Lind's day there was no concept of vitamins so they did not know that vitamin C cured scurvy, out of 1900 men, 1400 had died, most of them allegedly from having contracted scurvy. According to Lind, scurvy caused more deaths in the British fleets than French and Spanish arms. In the 17th century in England, it had been known that citrus fruit had a curing effect. Although Lind was not the first to suggest citrus fruit as a cure for scurvy, he was the first to study their effect by a systematic experiment in 1747. It ranks as one of the first clinical experiments in the history of medicine.
What causes it?
Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C in your diet, so not eating enough oranges,strawberries,peppers,guavas,Broccoli etc... Scurvy can also be caused by dependency on alcohol or drugs, complex mental health conditions, such as severe depression or schizophrenia, pregnan...

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...w members to the disease during his famous voyage around the Cape of Good Hope in 1497.
According to legend, the island of Curacao, was founded by Portuguese crew members from the ships of Christopher Columbus who were dying of scurvy and asked to be dropped off on this island. The Portuguese, who had originally intended to die on the island as an alternative to dying at sea and being fed to the sharks, ate some of the island’s fruits and vegetables and miraculously recovered.
Around the 1700s, any seafarer knew that the chances of them returning alive wasn't high. This wasn't because he might be killed by pirates or a deadly storm, but because he might contract the dreaded scurvy.

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