Essay On Scientist Stereotypes

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The man in the white coat, facial hair, eyeglass, and no sense of humor, he is known around the country as a scientist. Americans’ perceptions of a scientist is unbelievably consistent, we are implanted with this viewpoint the moment we become connected with the media. Notice the stereotypical scientist is a male, this is because women having a role in science is a fact that the public forgets about. For better or worse our perspective of scientists have never been clearer. Ask anyone to describe a scientist and the answers will be remarkably similar according to Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Public Understanding “One study found little difference between the images held by college students and those of younger students, despite the fact that the former had probably had contact with actual scientists during their years at college”(line 39). This exemplifies that no matter the age and education the public’s opinion doesn’t change. It’s also interesting …show more content…

Stereotypes should not control your future, in fact; you should use them to your advantage, not all stereotypes are true but you can find true in some stereotypes. Take for example the scientist stereotype mention earlier in the piece while it is one hundred percent inacurate that all scientist have no sense of humor it may infer that their job is tough and time consuming. As a professional or someone who was going into scientific field you should understand that and proceed as you see fit. The same scenario applies to gender statistics. Lets look at STEM again, if you are a woman who is looking for a career in any of the STEM fields realize that you have an advantage. Companies love to boast about how diverse they are and how equality is hugely important in their corporate structure. Knowing that your gender is underrepresented in your field of work will give you the upperhand when you are looking to start your

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