Essay On Reflection Paper For Social Work

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I had the opportunity to spend my service learning hours with an amazing young lady by the name of Paige. Paige is 25 years old and has a twin brother and a younger brother who she recently lost to suicide. She came into this world prematurely, 3 months before her due date and weighed 1 pound 12 ounces. From birth Paige had complications she almost lost her life and required open heart surgery at 3 days old. Throughout her life she has needed 19 surgeries on her legs, back and arms. Paige has Cerebral Palsy. Paige is a very quiet person, she prefers to keep to herself and does not care much for conversation. I have noticed throughout the years that when first meeting Paige people tend to take this offensive but she gets intimidated and …show more content…

Seeing the smile on her face and the happiness in her voice makes my battles worth it. She wore a smile so big I think her cheeks probably hurt! She has not have much to smile about lately so it was exciting and special to me to have this time with her. I enjoyed seeing her get out of her house and experiencing life. While at the Kitty City she expressed an interest in volunteering at shelter, so we talked to a staff member and got some information for her to take home and think about. As our time came to an end we had to say our goodbyes but before we part ways her brother brings me a bag telling me it was from Paige before they drive away. She had bought me a thank you gift and I had no idea that she had. It was an unnecessary yet very sweet gesture. Some of the concepts I learned while spending time with Paige is that people with disabilities are amazing. They have so much to offer and teach others if they were just allowed to. Society needs to realize that people with disabilities feel the same, think the same, and have the same needs and desires as people without disabilities. However, until society gets over its fears we must educate and bring an awareness to the abilities that people with disabilities have to offer. Paige and I have already planned our next girls weekend and I have a little surprise in store for

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