Essay On Radiology

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Radiology is a great use of technology today. The use of radiology has been used for many years now. Radiology is used to treat bone injuries or treating diseases. The use of radiology is extremely popular when wanting to see a vivid image of a injury or disease (Doctors). Radiology is a great source for examining the patients’ internal organs and bones due to giving a very detailed image. Radiographs, nuclear medicine, CT, MRI, PET, ultrasound, and a vascular lab are the equipment used to exam the injury of the patient, or the disease the patient might have. Radiology provides comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic testing and treatment (Good Samaritan Hospital). Imaging tests can only find large collections of cancer cells …show more content…

It is extremely uncommon for the radiologist to not be able to find the reasoning for an injury or disease. Doctors must know every bone known in the body to be able to be a radiologist. Working biopsies, fluoric studies, and interventional cases is what radiologist do on a daily. Radiologist spend many hours at a hospital working all day. The average hours a radiologist works varies on how busy the hospital is and if the doctor is on call or not. Radiologist see more than ten patients a day (The Ohio State University of Medicine Student …show more content…

Radiology plays an important role when it comes to the help in finding cancer. Cancer is an ugly thing, and if it is not found early enough the cancer can take over the body of whoever has it. Radiology allows a graphic image so that the doctor can see exactly what is wrong with the patient and to know where to start. The image taken by the radiologist also allows the doctor to be able to see and read the injury or disease of the patient. Being able to read the image allows the doctor to be able to tell the patient what he or she needs to do base on the examination. Patients are more at ease when radiologist are able to see the real problem when it comes to the injury or disease the patient might

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