Essay On Pumpkinseeds

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Methodological summary
Mittelbach (1988) wanted to know whether the pressure of predation can cause pressures of competition. A body of literature describing a “landscape of fear” shows that prey species alter their behaviour in response to perceived predation risk, often avoiding those areas that may increase chance of predation and preferring ones that offer escape routes. Prey species seeking to escape predation risk will hide in shared refugia, which offer both protection and food resources. However, these refugia can become a resource that must be competed for. Mittelbach’s 1988 paper was the first to publish results describing the effects that competing prey species have on each other in refugia. Mittelbach used a target-neighbor experimental design to test the effects of competition. His study site was a small lake in Michigan where he set up 12 three-meter-square enclosures at equal depths. Samples of benthic invertebrates were taken from each cage. He stocked each enclosure with two juvenile pumpkinseeds, which were the target sunfish species. In addition, each enclosure received zero, two, four, six, eight, or ten juvenile bluegills as the neighbor species. Mittelbach selected these species because their juvenile life stages use similar habitat and food resources (invertebrates), although their …show more content…

This constitutes interspecific, exploitative competition. The juveniles of both species are prey for larger fish, and rely on bulrushes for escape. The juveniles of both species also rely on macroinvertebrates for food. Given this niche overlap, pumpkinseeds and bluegills must compete, which reduces the growth of both species. Although this study does not directly measure population dynamics, because the resources they share are limited the competition between juvenile fish may reduce the carrying capacities of both

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