Essay On Pros And Cons Of Diversity

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1. Diversity: The differences of various individuals or groups within an organization or cultural unit. It may refer to one’s own ethnicity, age, social class, regional origins, occupation, weight, height, skin tone, personal skills, etc. A) Expand Diversity in your life: Try out new things, meet new people. To go out of one’s own comfort zone. Admittedly, when I first attended Pierce I only hung around with others who were part of my own social class, who would be the upper middle class. There was also a higher chance that I would speak to you if you’re of higher social standing and of East Asian ascendancy. The classes I had when I first enrolled here were populated with female Asian/Korean/Japanese model types so it was easy for me to keep within my own zone. Life moved on, we had to go separate ways. I had to expand to new horizons after a while, because my kind are rare, as a result you end up lonely if you don’t open up to new crowds. The Pros of Diversity: It is far easier to relate with people when you treat everyone exactly the same. It also feels good when you know someone everywhere you go. A bigger group brings a larger sense of community. The Cons of diversity: I prefer a certain group or type of people for a reason, we all came from a similar background & culture which makes it far easier to relate beyond an acquaintance phase due to how your mode of communication with certain types of people far transcends the understanding of those who aren’t of your group. For example, almost every single Westerner has a problem with how I rarely ever look people in the eye while I speak. This is a cultural difference, because in my culture it is impolite to stare at someone’s eyes unless you’re planning to make out with ... ... middle of paper ... ...their time with details. The Socializer: The motivator. They usually have an outgoing positive frame of mind, and prize social interaction. Opts for a utopian society or at least an atmosphere where everyone gets along regardless of difference. The Mediator: The keepers of the status quo. They’re more group oriented so they make their choices through a democratic consensus. Mediators are more of a supportive role as their main function in regards to speech is to maintain the balance of harmony. The Analyzer: The contrarian. If Aggressor and Socializer play the assertive role of moving forward then the Mediator plays the defensive role of reexamining all of the available facts and will not allow anyone to move forward until they have reconsidered their positions that the Analyzer has succinctly discredited. They are perfectionists, but at the cost of time and money.

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