Essay On Program Logic Model

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This section outlines and describes the various elements of the program logic model (see Figure 2). Our logic model is an important evaluative tool as it helps to explain the ideas behind the development of the DCD guidelines and the reasons why DCD programs will lead to positive outcomes in deceased organ donation.
The following inputs are critical to our program logic model: financial resources, planning processes, materials, equipment, staff, patients and their families, space, and research and best practices.
Activities and Outputs
The program components can be viewed as sets of activities that have a direct impact on program targets and are intended to lead to the attainment of our overall program goals. Each activity is described along with their outputs below.
Development and Delivery of DCD Guidelines/Formal Policy. This component of the program was included in our logic model to gauge delivery of DCD recommendations from CCDT to the Trillium Gift of Life Network and Transplant Manitoba. We have selected Ontario as our primary province of interest g...

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