Essay On Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen

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Pride and Prejudice is a British novel written by Jane Austen. This book is one of the most cherished love stories in English Literature. Pride and Prejudice was written in the early 1800’s to replicate the relationships between men and women in Austen’s time. She portrayed Elizabeth, the second eldest of the Bennet daughters as fearless, independent, and more concerned about marrying for love than marrying for social status and stability. Elizabeth is able to still able to have the expectations of a woman without losing the ability to have her own opinion and strong state of mind. Austen created and highlighted one of the main characters, Elizabeth Bennet, to express the different morals she viewed, and how unalike she is from most of the young women in an early period of time.
Elizabeth Bennet is the main character and romantic heroine of Pride and Prejudice. She is the second eldest of the five Bennet daughters. Elizabeth is her father’s favorite daughter and mothers least favorite. She is independent, and stands up for herself, and she does so even to those who are above her in social class, like Darcy and Lady Catherine. Austen states "she had a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in anything ridiculous" (Austen, 14). However, Elizabeth has a sense of humor that not many people get, sometimes this can lead to misunderstandings, for example when she tells Mr. Darcy "rather wonder now at his knowing any accomplished women” (Austen 51). This is also sometimes good when she makes fun of Mr. Collins to his face. Elizabeth is one of the most independent women in this story, one example being that she rejected two proposals that were sure to keep her stable after her father’s death. Elizabeth can also be mature when she re...

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Literature has played a remarkable role in society throughout the world since before Shakespeare. Jane Austen does a great job portraying different characters in this book as different kind of people in the world. She describes Elizabeth as an intelligent character who knows what she wants. However, Austen describes Darcy as an opposite of Elizabeth being prideful and judgmental. Throughout this book there are many references to the remarkable character of Elizabeth Bennet. Her character is not hard to analyze based on her actions and behavior. Her quickness of mind always helps her determine the right approach and solution to every situation. Elizabeth Bennet can be seen as both an inspiration and a lesson. Her character is defined by intelligence, bravery, independence, and her views on marriage. She should inspire everyone to have confidence and courage.

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