Essay On Price Of Cigarettes

896 Words2 Pages

There is a profusion of health hazards caused by cigarettes. Approximately 433,000 people die every year because of this poisonous product, which is linked to second hand smoke ( osh.htm). This problem needs to be resolved quickly.
A cigarette holds 599 additives and over 4000 chemicals in it that can cause cancer and even death. It contains; Nicotine, Cadmium (Battery Acid), lighter fluid, sewer gas, candle wax, paint, toilet cleaner, nail polish remover, rocket fuel, and carbon monoxide Etc. ( publications/aag/osh.htm). These are only 10 things in a cigarette out of 599. Just imagine what other kinds of toxins a cigarette has in it.
Tobacco products need to be banned or the price of it should be increased. The most common price of cigarettes in Las Vegas, NV is $5.00. ( This might or might not be expensive depending on how much money you are making. The seller needs to raise the prices in order to decrease the amount of smokers. Our society might just realize how much money they are throwing away.

46.6 million of U.S adults smoke this poisonous substance and it has caused over 8.6 million people to live with a serious illness such as cancer. 3,000 non-smoking Americans die of lung cancer each year. More than $96 billion dollars is spent in one year for medical reasons ( resources/ publications/aag/osh.htm). We need to implement smoke free policies more often to prevent people to not start and to stop smoking. The tobacco use can be stopped.
The majority of people who smoke cannot quit smoking instantaneously, it takes time. Smokers...

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...s without a cigarette will decrease your carbon monoxide levels back to normal. One day after smoking, the chance of a heart attack decreases. Two days after smoking, the nerve endings will start to grow back. Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue will decrease nine months after smoking. One year after the bad habit is gone the chances of a heart attack will cut in half. Five to fifteen years after, the risk of a stroke will be reduced. Ten years after conquering cigarettes, the risk of lung cancer drops to as little as one half (Cigarettes #40)
In conclusion, if you want to stop smoking just be confident and positive in yourself and you can do it. When you pull out that cigarette, you have to remember what you are doing to yourself. If you have finally stopped smoking then try to persuade other people to stop. Do the right thing and live a non-smoking, healthy life!

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