Essay On Prematurity

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As premature birth rates in Ireland are rising it is of paramount importance that the quality of the health care available to premature infants be assessed. It is important to establish a functioning and high quality health care system for these vulnerable infants, which is why a great deal of research has gone into establishing the causes and effects of prematurity, on both infant and parent, as well as research into the quality and availability of health care. Through collecting sources I established key five key themes that ran through the different literature, which assessed the quality of the health care provided for premature infants and their parents. Common Themes in Literature 1. Facilities – Quality and Improvements. 2. Countrywide inequalities of Health Care 3. Feelings and Emotions of Parent/Guardians 4. Causes and Effects of Prematurity. 5. Possible Solutions to the causes of Prematurity The quality and improvement of health care facilities for infants in Ireland was proposed by the Department of Health in Part Two of the publication ‘Quality and Fairness: a health system for you’. The Department of Health and Children aim to integrate existing functions of health care provision for both premature and non-premature infants, making it accessible to all, and develop the processes of preventive/screening programmes for diseases and disabilities in infants to improve the quality of health care available. They also strived for the improvement in the quality of medicine and enhanced the idea of health promotion (Department of Health and Children, 2001). However, in a policy paper released by the Adelaide Hospital Society it states that the ‘Quality and Fairness: A health system for you’ strategy has failed to achieve its... ... middle of paper ... ...ifferent aspects involved in catering for all the needs of premature infants and their parents, from initial, fast action medical care, through to care in Neonatal Intensive Care Units and eventual follow up and home care. I also began to understand the emotional aspects of having a premature infant and how those emotions need to be properly dealt with. The literature I reviewed gave me an idea of the differences in regards to the geography of health care available and the inequalities of health care provision; however there were some gaps in relation to Ireland specifically. So for the purposes of this project I will be focusing on the quality of health care for premature infants and their parent’s country wide, and building and advancing upon the information about the spatial differences and inequalities of health care provision faced by people living in Ireland.

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