Essay On Prejudice In The Merchant Of Venice

642 Words2 Pages

Prejudice, a Disease in Society

Prejudice is an attitude that places a negative generalization on individuals or

gatherings because of their cultural, religious, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. Despite

this trait being frowned upon, it still widely exists in the community today. “The Merchant of

Venice” is about a youthful Venetian man named Bassanio, whose wish is to woo a

beautiful and wealthy heiress named Portia who resides in Belmont. However, there are

many impediments in his way that he needs to overcome in order to succeed. William

Shakespeare illustrates the constant prejudice that occurs during the story and its negative

impacts, through the use of characterization.

Shakespeare displays that racism is evident through the use of characterization.

Shylock expresses his hatred toward Antonio while speaking to Bassanio. In addition to

that, Antonio is also discriminative toward Shylock, which prompts a feud between the both

of them. “I hate him for he is a Christian; But more, for that in low simplicity, he lends out

money gratis, and brings down the rate of interest here with us in Venice”(Act 1, III, lines

39-42). “You call me misbeliever, cutthroat dog, and spat upon my Jewish gaberdine”(Act

1, III, lines 108-109). Through characterization, this portrays that Shylock and Antonio

present values of racism and prejudice as they are not acquaintances, but yet revile one

another due to their different religion and race. Readers can observe that prejudice and

racism can result in tensions between people and the consequence can be exceptionally

harmful if proceeded in a wider scale.

Through characterization, Shakespeare illustrates that there is prejudice between

different character...

... middle of paper ...

...tate and Lorenzo. Definitively, it is clear that prejudice is present and countervails

justice. Readers can delineate that unjustifiable and vile choices will be made to the

opposing side if prejudice is present, which can prompt social issues later on if repeatedly


Therefore, through the literary device of characterization one can notice that William

Shakespeare illustrates the presence of prejudice that occurs throughout the story.

Through the text above, one can realise that there are many negative impacts of being

prejudice, which can lead to irrational decisions being made, such as the outcome of the

court case between Shylock and Antonio. Readers can notice that the combination of

prejudice and racist is very much present in community today and if not controlled,

the outcomes can be disastrous, such as an outset of a civil war.

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