Essay On Personal Training Certification

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There are a variety of options available if you want to attain a personal training certification online. The most respected alternatives all adhere to industry accreditation standards, so the curriculums are fairly similar.

Each program has a few individualized unique packages with assorted options, but they all have similar prerequisites and basic requirements. You need to be at least 18, plus hold a current certification in CPR and AED (automatic external defibrillator). Here’s a list of five accredited and highly respected personal training certification online courses.

5 Accredited Online Personal Training Certifications

· American Council on Exercise (ACE)

The ACE personal trainer program was established in 1985. ACE is one of the …show more content…

Then since you are already part of the ACSM, you can receive a discount rate for their industry acclaimed health fitness instructor (HFI) second level certification. The HFI tag will immediately balloon your earning potential and is an essential certification requirement in many large clubs that offer group personal training classes to their members.

· National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

The NCSA course is very similar to the ACSM program in that it offers two levels of certification. If you make the NCSA course your choice for a personal training certification online, you can also become a certified strength and conditioning specialist. You will need to have a bachelor’s degree to earn the CSCS second level certification, but it is one of the most celebrated qualifications in the personal trainer field.

NSCA has a measure to deter the less serious personal trainers since they require passing one of the hardest tests on the market. The core curriculum in the NSCA program mirrors that of the NASM, but the exam is reportedly a lot more difficult to pass. For this reason, tt is suggested that a trainer wanting to secure a NSCA certification follow a current trainer around who is already NSCA

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