Essay On Personal Health Profile

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Personal Health Profile
What comes to mind when being asked what the most important aspect of our life is ? Could it be money, or clothes, or friends? The answer is quite easy, its our Health. Without our health we have nothing. Each and every person should evaluate their personal health and make goals accordingly. A lot of the time we think we are on track with our goals, only to realize that we are in fact not treating our health as we should. Take me for example. Before evaluating my health due to this assignment, I thought I was on the right path and making the right choices. It turns out that I needed to reevaluate.
One of the most hazardous habits to our health is smoking. I am a none smoker and have always been a none smoker. I take a lot of precautionary steps to keep it this way and will continue doing so. But before I talk about how I keep myself from falling into this habit, lets talk about the negative impact smoking can have on someones health. As stated in the textbook, “If nobody smoked, 1 out of every 3 cancer deaths in the United States would not happen.”(pg239) Smoking is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. It also increases risk of many other cancers including larynx, pharynx, oral cavity, sinuses, cervix, pancreas, liver, and kidney. About 25 to 40 years after smoking rates began to increase for men, lung cancer started a steep rise. About 25-40 years after cigarette consumption decreased for men, lung cancer death rates for men began to drop (pg239). Now lets talk about how I prevent myself from smoking. There are many precautionary steps I or anyone can take. The biggest is to avoid the situation. To avoid picking up smoking I try to stay clear of smokers. If one of my friends happens to be a smoker ...

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...ise. I will attend the gym 3-4 times a week for weight training and cardio. I will try to play tennis once or twice a week. I believe that by adding more fun into my exercise routine I will stick to it. There are so many benefits to exercising. One of the benefits is being healthier early on will mean living a long healthy life and avoiding illness. Making your body stronger will build the immune system. The biggest benefit for me is that it is a way to relieve stress which will intern improve my anxiety attacks.

In conclusion, my health is neither bad or good. It often takes evaluating your own health to notice that there are always things you can do to improve your health. With my newly set goals for diet, exercise, and controlling my alcohol use, I should reach the main goal, being healthy. Because as I stated before, without good health we have not much else.

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