Essay On Penelope In The Odyssey

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In addition to being a loving and loyal daughter, Penelope portrays the perfect faithful, obedient, and loving wife to Odysseus and Telemachus,and sets an example for woman in ancient Greece. Penelope is loyal to Odysseus for the 20 years he was away on his journey. Even when it appeared that Odysseus had passed on, she still had faith that he would return. She resisted the suitors on the sole basis that she loved Odysseus and could not see herself with another man, when he could still be alive. She was smart, and cunning. In Book 2, Penelope deceives the suitors by promising them that once she “finishes off [the] … shroud for old lord Laertes” (2:107-109) she would choose one of the suitors to marry. Each night she would sit and “unravel all she had done” (2:117). By carrying out this plan, Penelope gains more time and believes that Odysseus would come home to her. Penelope is obedient to her son and follows his orders without question. When Telemachus orders his mother to “go back to [her] quarters” (1:410), Penelope “withdrew to her own room” (89:416) without a word. She never protests or disobeys an order that her husband or son gives her. Penelope is the perfect image of a devoted Greek wife. …show more content…

Nausicaa is the young princess of Scheria and daughter of King Alcinous and meets Odysseus when he lands of the land of Phaeacia. Nausicaa is loyal to her parents by obeying their commands without question. Like most daughters from the Greek civilization, she greatly respects her parents. She thinks highly of her father because she refers to him as her "excellent father" and tells Odysseus about everything her father can give to him. Nausicaa wants to please her father. She asks him to “harness a wagon for [her] … so [she] can take their clothes to the river for a washing” (6:61-64). She does anything her parents ask of her, without

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