Essay On Napoleon Bonaparte

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One of, if not the most powerful people in modern western history was Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte came from humble beginnings, and with hard work and dedication he steadily and quickly rose up the military and eventually political ranks. Napoleon Bonaparte became France’s young, charismatic, and smart leader. However, just as quickly as he rose, he fell. Napoleon Bonaparte’s fall from power was largely attributed to himself becoming less “a man of the people” and more similar to past monarchs. He became too fixated certain matters, which in turn hurt other matters. Lastly, Napoleon Bonaparte fell from power because he tried to gain too much power, his later military campaigns decimated his army, leaving France vulnerable to rival states. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 in Corsica, Italy. He was part of a noble family, however it was undistinguished, and he had Italian linage. At age 10 he was sent to France for an education, later studied at the prestigious Military Academy in Paris.1 He prepared for a career as an artillery solder in the French military. It is widely assumed that Napoleon chose this field because there was less aristocracy than in other divisions. He was minor officer until 1793, but the seizer of power by the Jacobins gave him a chance to advance his career. He shared political ideas with the Jacobins. As a result, the Jacobins gave Napoleon the title Brigadier General for some of France and Italy. When the Jacobs fell, Napoleon gave his services to the government of the Directory.2 Napoleon led French soldiers on many campaigns around Europe and gained a lot of land for the French, he became a national hero. During one of Napoleons campaigns, it became known to Napoleon that the director... ... middle of paper ... ...tial rulers or modern history. It is perhaps more clear that Napoleon Bonaparte was also flawed in many ways, which in turn led to his ultimate demise. Napoleon fell from power because he strayed from his initial beliefs and morals, becoming less a man of the people. He also became too fixated on matters, becoming obsessive and losing control. And Lastly, Napoleon Bonaparte fell from power because he wanted too much power, Napoleon gained a lot of power at a young age, he wanted to continue to gain power instead of maintaining it. A combination of all of these faults led to the great fall of Napoleon Bonaparte. If Napoleon maintained is ideals that he created as a young man, and perhaps held back on his attempts to gain more power he could have lasted longer as the ruler of France, and could have maintained France’s position as the most powerful country in Europe.

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